Author: Jackson Pearce
Publisher: Hodder Childrens
ISBN: 9781444915556
Rating: A
Celia Reynolds is the youngest in a set of triplets and the one with the least valuable power. Anne can see the future, and Jane can see the present, but all Celia can see is the past. And the past seems so insignificant - until Celia meets Lo. Lo doesn't know who she is. Or who she was. Once a human, she is now almost entirely a creature of the sea - a nymph, an ocean girl, a mermaid - all terms too pretty for the soul-less monster she knows she's becoming. Lo clings to shreds of her former self, fighting to remember her past, even as she's tempted to embrace her dark immortality. When a handsome boy named Jude falls off a pier and into the ocean, Celia and Lo work together to rescue him from the waves. The two form a friendship, but soon they find themselves competing for Jude's affection. Lo wants more than that, though. According to the ocean girls, there's only one way for Lo to earn back her humanity. She must persuade a mortal to love her...and steal his soul.
She's done it again and I didn't doubt she would. Pearce has delivered a killer novel to add to the fairy tale retellings saga and it was everything I hoped for in every way possible. In fact this review won't be too big only because as this is book three there's only a limited amount to talk about. I've already spoken about the theme, her writing and characters before so lets get going.
So this book followed the story of the little mermaid and I definitely liked the plot in this. At first I was a little confused because the book seemed to just throw out the main concept of werewolves but as we found out later that hadn't been completely scrapped which leads me to believe this world within ours includes more than just werewolves, almost like a night world sort of thing. Anyway the plot was perfect. I love the layered POV's of both Naida and Rho both as one persona and the way the triplets were involved and the little clever twists.
The locations in this were killer places to describe and Pearce's voice nailed everything. I had vivid beautiful imagery in my mind from page one and the description just blew me away. I've always loved Pearce's voice in fiction. It's so sharp and strong and it has that edge to it which I really like.
The characters in this were perfect as well. I fell in love with them all. All of them had good solid foundations and what I like about this series is we don't get stuck we the same people and same story with each book. With each book brings a new story and new people who readers can learn to love.
Overall this was gorgeous novel. I guess this is pretty short 1. because I've covered most things about Pearce in previous reviews. 2. It left me speechless and I don't know what more to say. This was beautiful.